100 games and fun activities to make your youth group go with a bang.
Scene one
Sketches for church drama groups.
Games for all ages & how to use them
100 more humorous illustrations for public speaking
Fresh, timely and compelling illustrations for preachers, teachers and speakers.
Rolling in the aisles
The funny side of faith, illustrated by stories ranging from vicar jokes to children's humour, and hilarious true incidents to the barbed wit of Soviet dissidents.
Bats in the Belfry
More from the funny side of faith, by the author of "Rolling in the aisles".
The all new clean joke book (honest!)
New Testament
Revised version.
Pocket interlinear – New Testament
Numerically coded to Strong's exhaustive concordance.
Holy Bible
New International Version.
Holy Bible
King James Version
The prayer of Jabez
Breaking through to the blessed life.
Common prayer
Do what Jesus did
A real-life field guide to healing the sick, routing demons and changing lives forever.
A gardener looks at the frut of the spirit
No atheists in foxholes
Prayers and reflections from the front.
Adventures in prayer
A classic that can guide you to a more joyous fath.
Too busy not to pray
Slowing down to be with God.
Praying with purpose: families
A guide to personalized prayer from scripture.
Holy Bible – New testament
New international version.
The peace maker
A biblical guide to resolving personal conflict.
Creative compassion
A handbook for spiritual growth.
Bangalore Theological Forum
Vol. XXXVII, No. 1